2012年12月6日 讯 /生物谷BIOON/ --已对,来自谢菲尔德大学的分析成果开发出了一种将生殖细胞内临床应用于治疗鼻子损伤(由事故或者疾病带来的白点部损伤)的新型铁子技术,这或许可以设法数以百万计的人们回复鼻子健康,甚至还给光明,涉及分析成果刊登于国际性杂志Acta Biomaterialia上。
分析成果Frederick Claeyssens博士说明,适用这种新型的合成型的胶合板,完全可以消除有机体的安全风险,我们应该毫无疑问适用鞘盘的新型临床仅仅很低当前治疗病灶在手的临床,而且对于有机体来讲更为低成本。涉及分析由威康信托等管理机构大力支持。
Oncogenesis:推断出摄取A降低肿瘤生殖细胞内摧残性机制 JOT:骨髓生殖细胞内复刻对滥用酒精大鼠模型脱臼肿胀的影响 Clin Cancer Res. :在HER2同义胰脏肿瘤中解剖出HER2阳性生殖细胞内 PLoS ONE:最终将胰脏生殖细胞内再生为胰岛素产生细胞内 JAMA:生殖细胞内修复心脏损坏组织 更多文档请点击:有关生殖细胞内更多资讯Combined microfabrication and electrospinning to produce 3-D architectures for corneal repair.AbstractCorneal stem cell niches are located within the limbus of the eye and are believed to play an important role in corneal regeneration. These niches are often lost in corneal disease or trauma. Our work explores the design of artificial limbal stem cell niches by the fabrication of biodegradable electrospun rings containing bespoke microfeatures. In creating artificial niches, we seek to provide a physically protective environment for limbal cells to act as a cell reservoir for tissue regeneration purposes. This study describes the first step in this challenge to produce structures which structurally approximate to the limbal niches. This was achieved using a combination of electrospinning and microfabrication. Initial microfabricated structures were developed using microstereolithography via a layer-by-layer photocuring approach based on the patterning of photocurable polymers, in this case polyethylene glycol diacrylate. This was then used as a template on which to electrospin a biodegradable membrane of poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) 50:50, which incorporates the features of the underlying microfabricated structures. The study describes preliminary evaluation of these constructs using rabbit limbal epithelial and stromal cells.